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C4 English with Drama


The participants in the mobility were teachers and students form the partner countries, as well as 20 local students and 6 teachers.

The theme of the fourth meeting was drama/theatre. The main aims of this meeting was to observe different vocabulary teaching techniques, to provide students with the freedom to produce their own lesson while actively participating in it and to create a sample script with different activities.

The activities, realised during the mobility were: Creative Drama and role-play activities; Reading theatre, Chants, Rhymes and songs learning; Storytelling with Puppets, Masks, Costume and authentic materials; Rehearsal through drama preparatory games: Practice emotion reading and speaking; Ball passes; Chanting chair game; TPR (total physical response;Theatre performance; Cultural visits and Town tours.

The methodology, used to during the lessons/activities was diversed, with an accent to Communicative approach and Student-centered methods, such as group work, improvisiation, role-play, brainstorming, game-based learning.

Drama provides an excellent platform for exploring theoretical and practical aspects of the English language.

The improvisation aspect of drama gave students opportunities for developing their communicative skills in authentic and dynamic situations. 

By using drama in the English classroom we used  the foreign language with our students in intriguing and useful ways.

As a result of the activities carried out during the mobility, students boosted their creativity and autonomy in learning English. The non formal activities helped build their confidence in using the language and encouraged teamwork and collaboration. 

All teachers also realised, that Drama has the potential of making the learning experience fun for the students and even memorable because it is interactive and visual.

The interaction with students from around Europe broadened students' horizons- they learned about our partners' culture, traditions and history, thus becoming more tolerant and open-minded.

1.A presentation on different methods to teach English as a Second Language through Drama activities

Final product of mobility C4 - English with Drama

2.A book with video lessons on how to incorporate Drama in the ESL classroom

A final product of mobility C4.

Videos of the lessons using Drama activities are included in the book. All lessons were conducted conducted during the mobility.

A number of scenarios from the participating partners are also included.

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