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C2 English with Coding


The activity took place virtually and was carried out through the host's Zoom platform. A total of 102 students and teachers took part in the activity ( ESL and ICT teachers and students, actively involved in the eTwinning project activities and showing good command in English and ICT). The activity timetable was created accordingly to all involved schools normal activities. 

All participating schools were experiencing Distance education, which made the activity fully integrated in their normal school activities.

The mobility days started at 10h. CET and comprised of four school hours (40 mins. each) with a ten minutes break.

On the first day after the official opening by the host school all participants presented their school and town ( students presentations and videos). In order to show their knowledge of their peers’ countries, all students and teachers played Kahoot games. 20 mins breakout rooms were provided for  free dialogue for acquaintance between the students.

Day two was dedicated to a virtual museum tours. Students visited famous Kastamonu museums and were involved in numerous collaborative activities on the topic: worldwall game, Mentimeter Q&A, word cloud creations, game with, game in, assignment in, Kahoot contest. Students presented their assignments. 

Day 3 - observation of local ESL lessons  - grammar and speaking activities, discussion and collaborative activities on the Fake news topic. Students used Story Jumper to collaborate on an ebook and Padlet to share their results.

The last session was between teachers - discussion on the ongoing mobility activities.

Day 4 - Coding with English. Lesson led by Kastamonu ICT teacher. Presentation of the coding tool and its functionalities. Presentation of the assignments - two coding projects( animated and non-animated project), which students had to create. Q&A time. Time for students to create the assigned games. Presentation of Students work and sharing the work on Padlet. Kahoot quizz with coding language.

Day 5 - closing ceremony and certificates. Students were engaged with numerous collaborative activities : brainstorming the content of the first project newspaper (Google Jamboard ); outline of the newspaper (Canva); tasks distribution of the newspaper editors. Students as journalists - discussion of the role of the journalists and creation of students badges and ID cards (WEB 2.0 tools). Sharing the badges on a Padlet. Discussion and activities related to Fake news (students Padlet about Fake news). Evaluation of the mobility by students - on Twinspace forums, Google form and Emoji padlet (emoji


The mobility provided all participants,  in addition to collaborative international activities and direct experience, also an insight into the culture of the host country in order to develop an intercultural consciousness, thus making our schools more international and our students more open-minded and tolerant. Through the non formal activities students were able to use their English in an everyday context thus improving their communication skills. The engaging collaborative activities helped students developing important skills like creativity, computational thinking, problem-solving, and  collaboration

Teachers had the opportunity to broaden their knowledge about partner countries, their educational systems and teaching methods.With the observation of the local English lesson, all teachers were able to compare and contrast their English teaching system with the local. This experience enlarged their viewpoints. They came across many authentic materials that can be used in the CLIL coding classroom in their practise.

Newspaper of the project, which includes The Best Moments of Mobility C2 - English with Coding.

 Our Newspaper contains links to the WEB 2.0 tools used during the mobility, as well as interesting facts about the participants' countries - food, nature, sightseeings, etc.

This newspaper was created by students and teachers who were participants in the mobility program.

Have a look!

Presentation :

Meeting Minutes:

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